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Yoga for Migraine Relief: The Natural Remedy - Yoga Rishi

Yoga for Migraine Relief: The Natural Remedy


Medium to severe headaches are brought on by a prevalent neurological disease known as a migraine. Additional signs such nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound, are frequently present along with it. An individual’s everyday life can be severely impacted by migraines, which can be quite unpleasant. 

The occurrence of migraines is rising in contemporary society. Numerous causes, including elevated amounts of stress, alterations in nutrition and way of life, and environmental influences, are probably to blame for this. 

The severity of a migraine attack can significantly affect an individual’s standard of life. Patients may become incapable to carry out routine duties or engage in social activities, which might reduce effectiveness. These bouts might linger for a few hours or possibly days, severely interfering with job, study, and personal life. Migraines can occasionally even be incapacitating. 

Technology pressures, lengthy workdays, erratic sleep schedules, and unhealthful eating practises all increase the frequency and intensity of migraines. 

There are several acute and preventative migraine therapies available. There is no universal cure, though, and what helps a particular individual might not help a different one. You may control migraines in a variety of ways, including by engaging in regular yoga for migraine relief practise or exercising and leading a healthy lifestyle. By providing an integrated approach that treats both the bodily and psychological elements of the ailment, yoga for migraine serves a key role in the management of the disease.

Migraine Types:

There are several varieties of migraines, each with their own distinct traits. Several are briefed below:

Migraine without aura: This is the most typical kind of. The headache continues to be intense and may be followed by additional symptoms including feeling nauseous, throwing up, and hypersensitivity to light and sound even when there is no indication for it.

Migraine with aura: This particular form is distinguished by an aura, which is a warning symptom that appears prior to the headache. Auras can be sensory, motor, or optical.

Chronic Migraine: Individuals in this situation suffer from problem for a minimum of fifteen days every month, with no fewer than eight of those instances featuring terrible headaches. It may necessitate more rigorous therapy and have an influence on an individual’s everyday life.

Menstrual migraine: This particular form strikes just before or during a female’s menstruation period.

Hemiplegic Migraine: These are uncommon but quite bad. They cause momentary paralysis or sluggishness on either side of one’s body, which can sometimes be accompanied by speech difficulties, visual problems, and even disorientation. 

Retinal migraine: Rare migraines of this kind impair vision in just one eye. Along with headache discomfort, those who have retinal migraines may also endure momentary vision impairment or loss of sight in one eye.

Abdominal migraine: Children and teenagers can have this kind of migraine. Abdominal discomfort, nauseousness, throwing up, and hypersensitivity to both light and sound are its hallmarks.

One must adopt yoga for headache relief to overcome any type of migraine along with the medical treatment.

Noticeable Symptoms in the Patients:

People can have different migraine signs and symptoms, however some of the more typical ones are as follows:

  • On either or both sides of the head, a severe head pain with intense pounding.
  • Ahead of the commencement of a headache, there may be visually appealing, sensory-related, or motor auras, such as flashing lights, bodily numbness, or a paralysing sensation.
  • Feeling of disorientation or dizziness that causes an unsteady or wobbling feeling
  • Experiencing Nausea and vomiting.
  • Experiencing hypersensitivity to both sound and illumination.
  • Exhaustion, attention issues, mood swings, and stiffness in the neck.

These symptoms can be handled by opting for yoga for migraine relief.

Reasons that Cause Migraine:

Numerous things are thought to contribute to migraines, such as:

  • Genetic problems
  • Food or beverage triggers, such as meat that has been processed, coffee, alcoholic beverages, etc.
  • Hormone alterations, such as those that occur during menstruation.
  • Environmental issues, such as weather patterns shifting and strong odours.
  • Unusual Blood vessel enlargement and inflammation-causing brain function.
  • Abnormalities of specific neurotransmitters including dopamine and serotonin, among others.
  • Brain blood vessels alterations.
  • Stress and anxious feelings.
  • Lacking sufficient sleep.
  • Several medical disorders, including depressive symptoms, sleep apnea, and excessive blood pressure.

There can be several other reasons can be as well, but migraine problem can be controlled with the help of yoga poses for migraines.

Yoga Poses to Deal with the Problem of Migraine:

Numerous yoga positions are available that can help relieve the signs and symptoms of migraines. The following yoga exercises for migraine might be useful:

  • Child Pose (Baalasana): This peaceful sleeping exercise eases stress and anxiety by calming the body and mind.
  • Forward Fold (Uttanaasana): This yoga for headache encourages calmness and improves blood flow to the brain, which may help in lessening the severity of a headache.
  • Supine Twist (Suptaa Matsyendraasana): This twist aids in loosening up the muscles in the neck and spine, reducing stiffness and encouraging rest and relaxation.
  • Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukhaa Svanaasana): By lengthening and stretching the spine, this posture helps to release stress and improve the circulation to the brain.
  • Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhaasana): This position encourages relief and lessens tension by opening one’s chest and shoulder area.
  • Legs-Up-The-Wall Pose (Viparitaa Karani): This calming yoga pose for migraine promotes sleep, eases tension, and enhances the flow of blood.
  • Alternate Nostril Breathing (Nadi Shodhana Praanayama): By balancing the body’s circulation of energy, this breathing method encourages sleep and lowers stress.
  • Corpse Pose (Shavasana): In this last relaxing position, the body is completely free to rest as well as the central nervous system’s function is soothed and is considered to be one of the best yoga for headache relief.

Benefits of Yoga for Migraine Patients:

For migraine sufferers as an element of their complete medical strategy, yoga for headache can provide a number of advantages. Here are some advantages of including yoga exercises for migraine in your regimen.

  • Because stress is a frequent migraine trigger, doing yoga for controlling stress may help reduce the frequency and severity of attacks caused by migraines.
  • The muscles can be stretched and released in assisting with alleviating migraines.
  • The pain and length of migraines may be lessened with a better flow of blood.
  • Patients with migraines benefit from the relaxing and soothing effects.
  • Improves sleep quality and lowers the incidence of migraine attacks
  • Helps to enhance posture by building up the back and neck regions’ muscles.


People can improve their self-awareness, learn methods for managing stress, and lay solid foundations for long-term migraine control by including yoga for migraine into their daily practise. However, in order to modify the practise according to your requirements and guarantee safe and successful inclusion into a migraine treatment strategy, it is crucial to speak with a healthcare expert or a certified yoga teacher.